
Tag: date night at home

How to Set Goals for Your Marriage in the New Year

The beginning of a new year is the time when a lot of people set goals. In addition to setting your own personal goals, I recommend setting goals in your marriage. There are many benefits to setting goals for your marriage and as a couple. Having a common goal to work towards strengthens the two of you and a partnership and a team. Achieving those common goals as a couple will help you work better together and will bring you closer together. I hope this post will help you set goals for your marriage to help you work toward the life you're trying to build together.

My Favorite Spouse Stocking Stuffers

At Christmastime, my favorite thing to gift, to my husband specifically, is a well filled stocking! My husband says that stocking stuffers overwhelm him, and I know a lot of other people feel the same way. I've created many spouse stocking stuffers gift lists over the years. This year I wanted to compile a list of my favorites from them all.

Experience Gifts to Give for the Holidays

Experience gifts are a pretty popular concept right now. Everyone wants to give something meaningful but they don't want to just gift stuff. One of my favorite things about the idea of gifting experiences is that a lot of those gifts involve quality time between the gift giver and the individual receiving the gift. In marriage, you can gift experiences and surprise your spouse with something they'll love and may not have been expecting. Below you'll find six different ways to give experience gifts for Christmas this year!

12 Holiday Date Night Ideas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also the most chaotic time of the year! It’s easy to get so caught up in the parties and shopping and family traditions that you might not have as much time to spend with each other. Date night is always important, but I’ve found it to be extra important in my marriage during the busy seasons of life! During the upcoming holiday season, pick a few dates from the list below and add them to your calendar for the month.

Holiday Traditions for Married Couples

The holidays are a lot of fun but they can also be crazy and chaotic. Amidst the chaos, it can be easy to let your marriage take the backseat. It can easily come second to all of the family parties and activities that you have planned. Don’t let the fun that you have planned for the holidays take the place of the fun that you would usually be having together. Instead, create holiday traditions that give you an opportunity to stay connected!

Three Ways to Make Your Marriage a Priority During the Holiday Season

We’re heading into the busiest time of the year and I’m already thinking about how I’m going to make sure Joe and I are making each other a priority daily. Last year during the holidays season, our schedules got consumed with family parties, work events, church activities and Joe’s heavy load at work.

30 in my 30s Bucket List Update – Almost Halfway There

When I turned 30, I was determined to make it the best decade of my life. I created a bucket list to make it more exciting and intentional. I listed 30 things that I wanted to do or accomplish in my 30's. I've been in the middle of accomplishing some big goals on the list so I haven't done an update in a couple of years. Today I turn 34 and I thought it would be a good time to make another bucket list update.

12 At Home Fall Date Ideas to Keep You Cozy and in Love

If you're planning an at home fall date and want to get creative, I have you covered with this post of ideas! I know there are many couples, like us, who are enjoying a date night at home a lot more right now. We have gotten into the habit of planning at home date nights more often than we go since becoming parents. Budget, sick kids, exhaustion, and lack of babysitters some weekends are all reasons we date each other at home on occasion.

10 Low-Key Date Ideas for Low-Energy Days

Whether you don't have the energy or the mental capacity to go out for date night or do something that requires much from you, you'll love these date ideas! This is a reminder that date night doesn't have any requirements for how long it takes, how much energy you put into it, or what types of activities you do. The formula for an impactful date night is quality time + connection + fun.

How Often Should Married Couples Be Having Sex?

"How many times a week do you have sex?" I put an anonymous question box up on Instagram that question came through. Most married individuals are asking other married individuals for their number to see if they are normal or not. This post will give you tips to help you find that "normal" frequency of sexual encounters in your marriage.

Paint Night Date for Couples in Every Stage of Life

Couples' paint nights have been a fun date night for years now! This date is perfect for couples in every stage of life! Whether you can go out, are planning to stay home, have a limited budget, have no money to spend, or are ready to spend some money on date night, I have an idea for you! This post has an idea for every couple on how to enjoy a paint night, connect and have fun together for date night.

Find the Positive in Your Marriage

Do you view your relationship and your spouse in a positive way? Or are you more often seeing all of the things that are wrong? I think we've all heard the sentiment that "you find what you focus on". This applies to life in general but focusing on the positive can create an awesome shift for good in your marriage relationship!

11 Ways to Enjoy Summer Nights at Home

Summer nights might possibly be one of my favorite things in the entire world, right up there with chocolate and chick flicks. I love the temperatures, the sounds of nature, the clear night sky, the later daylight hours and the occasional thunderstorm. With young kids, it’s hard to get out and enjoy those summer nights, unless we have a babysitter. It could be really easy to climb into bed and watch Netflix after the kids are in bed, while the sun is still out, but these summer night activities make for a lot of fun at home!

The Best Conversation Starter Resources for Married Couples

Married couples in every stage are looking for more opportunities to connect on a deeper level. They want to get back to the romance and the level of connection they felt when they were dating. I hope that these conversation starters for married couples will help you and your spouse achieve that connection you are looking for!

The One Thing Keeping Most Couples from Prioritizing Their Marriage Fully

There are a lot of reasons couples give when talking about why they don't have more time for their marriage. Work, school, kids, opposite schedules, the list goes on when it comes to obstacles that could get in the way of prioritizing a marriage. Regardless of the reason couples have for not making time to work on their relationship with each other, I personally believe there is one underlying reason that is the same for everyone.

Places to Get Quality Lingerie Online

When I started talking more about intimacy in marriage, I started getting questions about where to buy lingerie. Married women are looking for quality lingerie, size inclusive lingerie, and lingerie that is available in a variety of styles and colors. I've put together a list of great places to order lingerie online, which I now can be daunting, but these companies have great customer service and the experiences that others have had are nothing but positive!

Create More Opportunities for Physical Intimacy in Marriage

In marriage you realize that physical intimacy doesn't happen spontaneously like you see portrayed in movies and tv shows. You have to make time for it, just like you make time for other things that are important. That doesn't mean that you can create more opportunities for physical intimacy to happen more regularly and seemingly spontaneously. Implementing these seven tips will help you create more opportunities for physical intimacy in your marriage, no matter your current stage or situation in life.

Love Languages Gift Idea for Valentine’s Day

I love this gift idea because it is both meaningful and fun! You can spend as little or as much as you want on your gift, and your spouse is sure to love it! I highly suggest you pick one or two things for each of the love languages for your gift. You could choose to focus on your spouse's top love language(s) if you'd like. But I personally think it's more fun to find something your spouse would enjoy from all five of the love languages.

At Home Winter Date Ideas to Keep Your Love Warm

we don't spend a lot of time outdoors in the winter, it's just not our thing. For those of you who are in the same boat as us when it comes to winter and cold temperatures. I hope you'll have fun and enjoy winter with these at home winter date night ideas!

2021 Stocking Stuffers for Spouses

I love coming up with gifts to put in my husband's stocking, almost more than I enjoy finding gifts to wrap and put under the tree! Stocking stuffers are simple and fun and although they're small, they can be really meaningful. I pride myself on finding the best stocking stuffer ideas each year. I've probably come up with more than I can fill one stocking with for each person. This year, I'll share some of those ideas for you, so you can fill your spouse's stocking with fun and meaningful little gifts!

How to Become a More Adventurous Couple

Adventurous people often love the adrenaline rush that comes with whatever activity they're engaged in. I choose to believe that you don't have to do something that feels risky or scary to one or both of you in order to have an adventure in your marriage! Maybe you are the type of couple who likes to go skydiving or scuba diving. But if you're not, that's ok! I'm here to tell you that you can still have adventure in your marriage. And you can still enjoy all of the benefits of new experiences and adventure without taking up an extreme sport together!

Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage

A lot of times when we talk about making marriage a priority, we focus on the bigger actions we can take. Things like date night, overnight getaways, and big romantic gestures. While those things are all great, it’s the simple things that are going to make the biggest difference in your marriage! The simple things are really the big things when it comes to building a long-lasting marriage that you'll both enjoy being in.

Celebrating the Small Things in Your Marriage

I would encourage you to think beyond birthday celebrations, or completing another semester of school, or finishing up a big project you've been working on together. What if you started finding ways to celebrate the small things in your lives together? I think you would find yourselves connecting on a deeper level. And you'll be quick to notice the little things your spouse is doing that are truly awesome and worth celebrating! Those small celebrations can change your perspective in your marriage

7 Tips to Make Family Pictures Less Painful for Your Husband

Even though I don’t understand the pain that my husband experiences when taking pictures. I want to do everything I can to make him feel more comfortable during family pictures because it's really important to me to have them taken annually. These tips will help you make family pictures painless for your husband, and everyone a lot happier! This year, and every year for the rest of your lives together, I hope pictures are less stressful and more enjoyable for the entire family!

The Best Sex and Intimacy Podcasts for Married Couples

Being married to one person for the rest of your life doesn't have to be redundant and routine when it comes to sex and intimacy. And couples are looking for resources to help them spice things up and address "problems" they might have. Below you'll find five great podcasts about sex and intimacy, specifically for long-term romantic partnerships.

8 Apps to Improve Sex & Intimacy in Your Marriage

Using your phone and other technology while you're spending quality time with your spouse isn't the best idea. But what if I told you that there were ways to use your phone or device to connect more with your spouse? There are all kinds of marriage apps out there with a focus on strengthening the connection you share with your spouse. And there are even more specific couples intimacy apps created with the goal of helping you improve the connection you share with your spouse in the bedroom.

How to Support Your Spouse While They’re in School

If you our your spouse will be heading back to college this coming semester, this post is for you. Seven tips for supporting your spouse through school, and I’m not talking about working to pay for tuition. These tips will help you be there for your spouse mentally, emotionally and physically as they work to finish their degree.

How to Prioritize Your Marriage When One or Both of You is in School

I want to provide you with some simple ways that you can make time for your marriage, in the crazy season of life that college brings. My hope is that the tips below will provide you with opportunities to connect with each other on a daily basis. Because no matter where you're at in your schooling or how much time it requires, your marriage shouldn't have to suffer because of it.

15 Ways to Have More Fun in Your Marriage

Does the majority of the joy in your life come from your spouse? Is the joy that you get from your spouse centered around just the two of you together? Or does most of that fun come when you’re watching your spouse interact with your children and others? I was listening to an episode of Laura's podcast, Marriage Therapy Radio, recently and she was again, talking about fun in marriage. She emphasized the importance of playing WITH your spouse, not just alongside them as you're both playing with other people.

What Your Wife Really Wants for Mother’s Day in 2021

Husbands, this post is for you! I wrote it to help you out with what to get your wife for Mother's Day this year. Wives, send the link to this post to your man and tell him which "wants" ring true for you! I wrote a post a couple of years back with my own ideas for what husbands could gift their wives with for Mother's Day. Because I believe that the mother of your children deserves a gift from her parenting partner!

4 Things You Might be Doing That Make Your Spouse Feel Like Less Than a Priority

Have you ever thought about the things you might be doing that make your spouse feel like they aren't as important as they are to you? John Gottman says that the "magic ratio" for positive to negative interactions in a healthy and stable marriage is five positive to every one negative. If you're working hard to increase the positive ways you are impacting your relationship, shouldn't you also work to decrease those negative things? I know I don't want to be doing things that are communicating to my spouse he is not a priority.

To the Wife Who Feels Like Her Husband Never Helps

There are, unfortunately, a lot of women out there who feel like they have taken on the brunt of the home management responsibilities. I see memes and social media videos making light of a very real situation on a regular basis. Should the responsibilities around the house and with the kids be shared in a marriage? Most definitely! I feel they should be shared because marriage is a partnership and the two of you are a team!

Small Ideas to Fill an Easter Basket for Your Spouse

Do you fill an Easter basket for your spouse? I know it's not everyone's thing to do, but I like to do a little something for my husband on the holidays, the same way I do for my kids. Some families go all out for holidays, spending lots of money on gifts and traditions. Others keep things small and simple, focusing on the meaning of the holiday and traditions that will reinforce those. I wanted to share some great ideas for unique, little gifts you can put in an Easter basket for your spouse if you choose.

Shows to Wind Down With as a Couple

t the end of a long day, Joe and I really look forward to cuddling up in bed next to each other and watching a funny show. We're always in the middle of a few different TV series. Some we stream the day or two after they air live, and others we binge watch all of the seasons that are on our streaming service. We determine which show we're going to watch by what kind of mood we're in. And at the end of a long day, we always want short episodes that are funny and don't take a lot of brainpower. Our go to shows are usually Parks and Rec or The Office, and we rotate between the two. But I thought I'd share some of our other favorite shows to stream as a couple! So when you find yourselves needing to wind down and decompress together, without having really do anything, enjoy one of these shows together.

7 Things Every Couple Should Have in Their Bedroom

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for your marriage. Your home is yours, but the bedroom you share is the one space that is truly just for the two of you. Like your room growing up may have been your escape and the place you most loved to be, the bedroom you share with your spouse should feel the same way for your marriage. Have a room in your house that is comfortable and functional and a place for you to strengthen your marriage and grow closer as a couple.