
Category: Date Night

Scheduling Sex in Your Marriage – Common Misconceptions for Scheduling Intimacy in Your Relationship

Couples are often hesitant when it comes to scheduling sex in their marriage. I'm honestly an advocate for it! I don't know about you, but in my life, if something isn't on my calendar, it most likely isn't going to happen. Those things that are important to me are added to my schedule! You can be scheduling sex in your marriage! Just like you would schedule your dates, a weekly marriage meeting, or time to watch your favorite show together. Don't let intimacy fall to the bottom of your to do list, put it at the top! I hope these questions, and the answers that I provide, will ease some of your discomfort on this topic and remove any hesitation.

Sex and Intimacy and Chronic Pain

I've had many couples reach out to me asking for tips to increase intimacy in their marriage when there are physical barriers present. Chronic pain or illness can seem to be a mood killer and make your sex life non-existent. But I knew that there were things couples could do to work around those obstacles! I reached out to my friend, Amanda Louder, who is a sex and intimacy coach, and asked her if she'd write a post for those of you in this situation. And she delivered some excellent advice!

11 Ways to Pull Yourselves Out of an Intimacy Rut

I love the quote that says, "A great marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person". In that falling in love over and over, I always emphasize to couples that what worked to help them connect in one season of life might not be feasible or serve them the same way throughout the entire lives. Novelty and excitement in date night, connecting rituals, what you eat for dinner, etc. is good for your marriage. The same can be said about the physical intimacy in your marriage.

Three Things to do for Better Intimacy in Your Marriage

There are a lot of things you can do to create better intimacy in your marriage. In fact, I wrote a post that includes 30 things you can do to increase intimacy in marriage. A lack of intimacy in your marriage doesn't necessarily stem from your lack of physical connection. There is so much more to intimacy than just the physical connection you share with your spouse.

Is Technology Hurting Your Marriage?

Romantic couples in particular, can find that while technology helps them stay connected throughout the day and get many things done, it can also become a barrier to their relationship. My goal in sharing the tips below is to help you create more healthy boundaries, and get on the same page when it comes to your media use. So that neither of you is frustrated by the other spouse's attention to their media and not the marriage, family or tasks at hand.

13 At Home Valentine’s Day Ideas for 2021

I know not every couple is planning or even wants to celebrate Valentine's day. If you're one of those couples, that's ok, you can skip this post! But if you're wanting to find an idea to celebrate the holiday with your spouse, that fits your situation this year, this post is for you! I'm hoping that one or more of the ideas on this list will work perfectly for your Valentine's celebration this year.

4 Things You Can Do That Will Indirectly Strengthen Your Marriage

I wanted to share some things you can do, that don't have anything to do with your marriage directly, that will still help strengthen it! A lot of people might think that these things are counteractive to making your relationship better. Or that they have nothing to do with the relationship that you have with your spouse. I'm here to tell you otherwise, and share how these seemingly unrelated actions will actually make your marriage better! These four things will help to indirectly strengthen your marriage.

How we Plan to be More Intentional with Date Night in 2021

My goal this year is to set us up for a more connective date night routine. With my husband and I both in school, and doing homework almost every night, date night will be one of the few times we'll have to connect. We have to make every moment that we have together count. This is my plan to help us do that with date night.

Why Every Couple Should Make Their Marriage a Priority

Work, the kids, a side business, and even your own hobbies can take priority with their deadlines and needs. While these things are important, and definitely deserve our attention, if our marriage relationship is sacrificed so we can put everything we have toward those other things in our life, that's a problem!

How to Save Your Marriage and Start Prioritizing It Again

I get messages in my inbox on a regular basis asking me how to save a marriage. These messages generally come from wives, who feel like they've tried everything and there isn't anything left to do. A lot of them have been to marriage therapy together and separately. They've tried to speak their spouse's love language and make date night happen again. Basically, they feel like they've done all the things to save their marriage.

7 Ways to Ring in the New Year as a Couple

If your kids are young like ours, and celebrate the new year a lot earlier than midnight, you might find yourselves wondering how to celebrate together. You could always go to bed early and call it a night after your kids do. But I like to make an at home date out of the night and celebrate on our own. I hope this post will give you some fun ideas to help you ring in the new year together this year, and for the rest of the years to come!

Ideas to Celebrate New Year’s Eve at Home

Big New Year's Eve parties and celebrations won't be a thing this year. And although that doesn't change much for our family, I know it will for a lot of families. You can make a New Year's Eve celebration at home just as fun as a night out with friends, family, or a big public party. Use the ideas in this post to put together the perfect New Year's Eve at-home celebration this year!

Relationship Podcasts Featuring A Prioritized Marriage

I've had the privilege of being interviewed on a handful of relationship podcasts episodes over the last couple of years. Every time an episode I'm part of goes live, I share it on my social media channels. But I realized that there isn't a place here on the blog that houses all of those links. And because of that, a lot of you have probably missed listening to them.

Gift Ideas to Strengthen Your Marriage in the Coming Year

If you're still looking for a gift or two to give your spouse this holiday season, I've got you covered. Christmas gifts for couples can be fun and random things. But I personally love the gifts that help strengthen your marriage as well as being fun. Each of the gift ideas for couples on this list will help deepen your relationship in the coming year. Whether you're looking for another gift idea for your spouse or wondering what to gift a couple for Christmas in a gift exchange, all of these are sure to be a winner!

13 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Your Spouse in 2020

Stocking stuffers are some of my favorite things to shop for. But I also feel like they're sometimes the hardest thing to get. Maybe it's because I feel pressured to fill the entire stocking, and that seems difficult, depending on how large they are. Or maybe it's because it's an extension of gifts under the tree, and I try to make it good, without going over budget. Whatever my struggle, I hope that this list of stocking stuffer ideas for spouses will help those of you with the same predicament as me this year!

9 Random Things Your Husband Would Love to Receive for Christmas

After talking to a group of wives about what they were getting their husbands for Christmas this year, I found most experienced one of two situations. Their husband knew exactly what he wanted for Christmas and they got it for him, even if they thought it was crazy. Or their husband had no clue what he wanted, and they had no ideas to work with. If you're having trouble figuring out what to gift the man in your life, I hope this list of unique Christmas gift ideas for your husband will help!

11 Random Things Your Wife Would Love to Receive for Christmas

Husbands, do you need Christmas gift ideas for your wife? Wives, don't know what to tell your husband you want for Christmas? Don't worry, I've got you covered! Share this post with your wife and ask her to tell you which things on the list appeal to her. Wives, I hope this list gives you some ideas of what you might like to find under the tree this holiday season!

Do You Take Your Spouse for Granted?

One simple thing you can do to show your spouse that they are a priority to you is to express gratitude in your marriage. By verbally sharing with your spouse the things that you are grateful to them for, you are letting them know that you see them, that you are aware of them, and that you appreciate everything they bring to your life. Does your spouse know you're grateful for them? Or do they often feel taken for granted?

18 Things to do with Your Spouse Instead of Binge-Watching TV

Any time you have together is an opportunity to connect, strengthen your relationship and have a "mini-date". If you spend all of that time watching TV together, you're not maximizing your opportunities to make your marriage a priority! Use the ideas in this post to start minimizing the time you sit together in front of a screen. Either keeping the TV off altogether most nights or doing these things before you sit down to watch just one or two episodes together.

14 Random Acts of Kindness to do for Your Spouse

Whether you’re looking for ways to be a little extra nice to your spouse on a regular basis. If you want to go above and beyond for a period of time. Or if you are trying to make amends for something you’ve done. There will be at least one, hopefully more, thing on this list that your spouse will appreciate. Pick the things that rings true to you, your relationship and your spouse and have fun!

Cold Weather Date Night Idea – Hot Chocolate Tasting

When you have an afternoon off work together or after the kids have gone to bed. Whether you're stuck at home or just have a couple of hours to spare. Or if you are looking for something fun to fill an entire afternoon. A hot chocolate tasting would make a really fun date night!

30 in my 30’s Bucket List – Year 31 Update

Heading in my 30's, I decided that I wanted to create a bucket list of goals I wanted to accomplish and things that I wanted to do by the time I turned 40. I don't feel like I accomplished as much this year as I did last year. But it's been an overwhelming year and I've been working to keep my head above water most times. I'm also working on the biggest goal on my list, which takes a lot of my time and energy so I'm going to count that as a win!

Nougat Cake and Fluffy White Frosting

This weekend is my birthday, and I thought I would share my favorite cake recipe to celebrate! I don't request this nougat cake every year, but it is one of my two or three favorites. My mom's recipe card was typed using a typewriter. It came from the kitchen of her grandma, and it has a little note on it that says, "Grandma always...". And then has her variation for making the flour more like cake flour instead of all-purpose when you might not always keep cake flour on hand. It's one of those recipes that you know my grandma learned from her mom and then taught my mom who has now taught me. It's my favorite!!

3 Ways Working on My Own Mental Health has Helped my Marriage

What I don't always mention when I'm talking about my mental health journey is how it has impacted my marriage relationship. From the time that I started to struggle with postpartum depression until I got help for my anxiety, things were rough, I'll be honest. When I look back on that time in our marriage, I recognize that the majority of the issues that I saw stemmed from myself. As my mental health and the relationship that I had with myself improved, my marriage relationship did as well.

10 Ways to Connect with Your Spouse in 10 Minutes or Less

I hope these suggestions help you find ways to connect with your spouse daily! Life is always going to be crazy in some way or another. Your marriage needs and deserves time, even when it doesn't seem possible. Pull a few ideas from this list and plan them into your day this next week!

Do You Save Some of Yourself for Your Spouse Each Day?

A lot of stay-at-home moms will tell you that at the end of the day they’re all touched out. When I was working full time, I’d come home every day, take care of dinner, and get house stuff done and crash for the night. No matter what your situation is in life, it can be easy to let life, your daily tasks, and stress in your life drain you. And when it comes to the end of the day, not feel like you have any energy left to be a spouse. It's important to adjust your schedule to save energy for your spouse.

4 Ways to Make More Time for Your Marriage

I've realized that I can't hope that a new season of life will bring more time for us to spend on our marriage. And I can't assume that we'll just find the time to be together. We have to make time for each other and our marriage on a daily basis. In some seasons, you might have more time for your marriage than you do in others. But even when you do have extra time, if you aren't making a concerted effort to use that time for each other, that time will quickly be dispersed to other things. And you'll find yourself wishing you had more time to focus on each other.

7 Truths About Using the Love Languages in Your Marriage

I'm a big fan of The 5 Love Languages, and I talk about them here quite often. Taking the time to learn what makes your spouse feel loved and then intentionally loving them in a way that they understand, but also in the way that comes naturally to you is great! However, there are a few things that I've heard from people who feel that knowing their love languages isn't doing anything for them. If you're one of those people who doesn't feel like the love languages have made much of a difference in your marriage, these tips are for you!

50 Ways to Speak Love Using Physical Touch

I think most people score fairly high on physical touch when they take the love language quiz, even if it isn't their top. Meaningful touch is so important in a marriage, even for those individuals who don't like a lot of it. When it comes to physical touch as a love language, I think the joke assumption is that the person just wants a lot of sex, but that's rarely the case. Physical touch goes so much deeper and I hope the ideas in this list show you that. And I hope you get some ideas to help you love your spouse even better.

70 Ways to Speak Love Using Acts of Service

My top love language is acts of service, so the ideas that I have for this love language are plentiful! Just last night, my husband served me in a really simple way, but it made a huge difference to me. I hope this post gives you ideas to serve your spouse in simple ways with great meaning!

50 Ways to Speak Love Using Gifts

Gifts are a huge part of our everyday society, more than we might realize. You might assume that if your spouse's love language is receiving gifts, they'd appreciate stuff, but that's not the case. I hope the thoughts and ideas in this post help you understand and speak your spouse's love language in a deeper way than you have before.

60 Ways to Speak Love Using Quality Time

If your spouse's love language is quality time, they want to feel like they are the person you want to be around the most. And when you are with them, they want to feel like you don't care about anything but what they have to say. The 60 ideas listed below will give you some great ideas of how you can speak to your partner's quality time love language!

60 Ways to Speak Love Using Words of Affirmation

The love languages are a great way to be more intentional in your marriage. They give you ideas for showing love to your spouse in a way that they appreciate. Words of affirmation is one of five different love languages. There are a lot of things you can do when it comes to words of affirmation, beyond a simple "thank you" or "I love you". I hope this list gives you some ideas to help you love your spouse better!

Things to Discuss During a Marriage Business Meeting

No matter what stage of life you are in, make time to meet together to discuss the business side of your marriage at least once a week. During your weekly marriage check in, you might want to follow a marriage meeting agenda of sorts. Below I've outlined some great weekly marriage check in questions. You can tailor these to fit your situation and stage in life. I hope these will help you to stay on the same page and build a stronger relationship with one another.

13 Food Themed Date Night Ideas for Married Couples

Is there any couple out there who doesn't include some sort of food in their date night plans? I love planning our date night activity around food. Or finding something to eat that matches the theme of our date night. The food themed date night ideas in this post are sure to make any date night extra delicious!