
Category: Date Night

Six Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day When You Have Young Kids

It doesn't sound romantic, but it can be fun to celebrate Valentine's day with kids. And they go to bed at some point, so you'll still have time to celebrate together afterward. I hope that this post will inspire you, if you have young kids, to expand your celebration to include time for your family as well as just the two of you each year!

Romantic Playlist for All of Your Date Nights

I have the ultimate romantic playlist to accompany your next date night or every day moment that you’re hoping to make a little extra special. You could turn the playlist on after the kids have gone to bed and let it be the soundtrack for your evening’s activities. Turn it on and dance under the stars in the backyard or in your kitchen. Take it with you on your next date night out or while you make dinner together and play games for your date night at home. You can create a romantic atmosphere for whatever you choose to do together with this playlist.

14 Cheesy Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s with Your Spouse

If you love Valentine’s Day as much as I do and are looking for some fun ways to celebrate the holiday with your spouse this year, this post is for you! I’ve put together a list of 14 different ideas that are not too cheesy but just cheesy enough that you’ll both really enjoy them! Pick one or two or find a way to incorporate them all into your celebration this year. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could plan a 14 days to Valentine’s countdown and do one thing each day. Whatever you do, use this list as a springboard to make your marriage more of a priority year round!

14 Simple Ways to Show Love to Your Spouse

There are a lot of people who aren’t fond of Valentine’s Day. Because they feel like you should show love to your spouse, family, and friends all year round, not just one day a year. I will continue to love Valentine’s Day because I love holidays. And I love the opportunity to be a little more intentional in the way that I love those around me. In honor of Valentine’s Day coming up, here is a list of fourteen different things you can do to show love to your spouse, no matter what day it is!

13 Ways to Revive the Romance in Your Marriage

If you ever find yourselves stuck in the same rut, I hope this post and these ideas will help you. I believe that you need to be intentional and make your marriage and the romance between the two of you a priority. You will find your way back to that newlywed excitement and find yourselves more in love than ever. These tips will help keep the romance alive in your marriage.

How to Have a Positive Companion Inventory Meeting in Your Marriage

The companion inventory way of approaching problems that one or both of you might be having is a great way to open the lines of communication, learn to be a better listener, be more aware of how you treat your spouse and your marriage, and also give you an opportunity to strengthen your relationship and build up the one you love.

Why You Should Make Your Spouse’s Goals Your Own

Throughout our relationship, we each have invested our time and energy into other things that we are passionate about. The great thing about marriage is that you can still go after your own dreams, but rather than doing it on your own, with the support of those around you, you get to work toward your goals and dreams as a team, with those around you to support the both of you.

15 Goals You Can Set for Your Marriage to Make it Better This Year

There are so many other goals that you can set to benefit your marriage this year, but I hope these ideas will help get you started and get those ideas flowing. It doesn’t matter what goals you set for your marriage or how many you set, what matters is that they goals you DO set are going to strengthen your relationship, make your marriage better and push the two of you outside your comfort zone so you can grow and learn together.

The Importance of Setting Goals in Your Marriage

As I've thought about this apparent lack of goal setting in marriage, I'm more and more certain that setting goals as a couple happens in most marriages, but maybe not officially. My goal today is to inspire you to sit down and intentionally set some marriage goals together.

The Secret to Successful Goal Setting as a Couple

In the nine years that we’ve been together, Joe and I have done a lot of goal setting as a couple. We have been more successful with some goals than we have with others. When I look back on the success that we have seen when setting goals as a couple, I realized that those goals had one thing in common. The areas in life where we've seen the most success are the ones that we value the most.

Plan a Romantic New Year’s Eve Getaway

I love our little at home celebrations that I’m sure will only get more fun as our kids get older and understand more about what’s going on and can stay up a little later. But I have dreams of a different kind of celebration that we could do as a family or just as a couple in coming years. Have you ever gone on an overnight getaway for the New Year? I have grand ideas for a low-key overnight getaway with our kids that I hope we can make happen next year, but what I really want to do is go on a romantic overnight getaway, just my husband and I, once every few years or so.

Our Favorite Christmas Eve Tradition

Instead of opening the gifts we got each other on Christmas morning, in the midst of the chaos of the kids opening and playing with their presents, we get to have a more intimate moment together. We’re able to spend time enjoying each gift and sharing with each other why we picked them out. On Christmas morning, we can focus entirely on the magic and excitement of our kids, and in the future, our grand kids. Sometimes we save our stockings for the morning to open with the rest of the gifts that Santa brought.

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Your Spouse

Stocking stuffers are my husband's most dreaded thing to shop for and my favorite! This year I’m hoping that this post of ideas will help him and other spouses out there who stress out about what to put in their loved one’s stockings!

Holiday Gift Wrapping – At Home Date Night Idea

Are you a wrap presents as you purchase them type person or do you wait until the weekend before Christmas and wrap them all at once. I tend to do the latter because I like to get it all done in one sitting. The last couple of years, we’ve made a date night out of wrapping Christmas gifts and it makes the whole process a lot more fun! This at home date is perfect for a night when you don’t have family parties or other things going on. It gives you an opportunity to relax and enjoy each other’s company after the kids are in bed, while still crossing something off of your to do list.

Christmas Lights Drive – Holiday Date Idea

I love this date night activity for a lot of reasons! We’re not cold weather people. So being able to stay in our vehicle with the seat warmers and heat on is our favorite way to enjoy the sights of Christmas time. This date is festive but doesn’t require lots of planning or perfect timing. And it can be done in any amount of time that you have.

How Often Are You Thanking Your Spouse?

Early in our marriage, Joe and I filled up a Thankful Jar for the entire month of November. It was a great opportunity for me to recognize all of the ways that Joe blesses my life! I started to notice how many things I had been taking for granted. It made me realize that I don't say “thank you” to my husband nearly enough. I feel like there are some things I had started expecting him to do just because we are married. Although I don’t feel like you need to thank your spouse for every little thing they do, I do think that I could be a bit more verbally grateful to him for all of the things he does for me on a daily basis.

20 Things to Thank Your Spouse for Daily

A few years, Joe and I filled up a Thankful Jar for the entire month of November. It was a great opportunity for me to recognize all of the ways that Joe blesses my life! I started to notice how many things I had been taking for granted. It made me realize that I don't say “thank you” to my husband nearly enough. I feel like there are some things I had started expecting him to do just because we are married. Although I don’t feel like you need to thank your spouse for every little thing they do, I do think that I could be a bit more verbally grateful to him for all of the things he does for me on a daily basis.

Respect Each Other in Your Marriage

Below you will find a list of things that I feel are great ways to show respect for your partner and your relationship and the life that you are building together. When you join your life with someone else, your decisions and your actions start to affect more than just you. Even those things that you don’t feel are a “marriage” thing affect your spouse after you get married.

The Best Slow Cooker Ribs with Buttermilk Biscuits

Ribs in the slow cooker used to be my very favorite, and the only way I would cook them. Now I love oven baked ribs or ribs cooked on the grill the very best. But I still turn to this method from time to time when I want ribs and don’t want to have to babysit them for hours. This is the least labor intensive way to make ribs. And I love to pair them with some homemade Buttermilk Biscuits. Which are also really quick to make and a great addition to the best meal!

The Ultimate Date Night Soundtrack

You’ll find upbeat songs, lovey dovey songs and so much more on this playlist. The one thing that all of these songs have in common is that they are about love, and loving the one you love to the fullest. I’ve already been playing this playlist on shuffle when we’ve been driving somewhere for a date, having a mini date night at home, and even when we’ve been working on projects together. It definitely gets you in the mood to have fun together and fall more in love!

6 Tips for Keeping Gluten from Ruining Date Night

It puts a damper on date night having to end things early. And I always feel guilty when I’ve taken my husband somewhere that gets him sick. Especially when I thought it was a safe place to eat. If you and/or your spouse are on a gluten free diet because of a gluten sensitivity, celiac disease or an allergy. I hope these tips will help you enjoy your date nights and have more fun together on your dinner date nights.

Love Languages Gift Basket Tutorial

I loved the idea of a love languages gift basket for a lot of reasons. This is a gift that can be used for any occasion, and can be given to anyone (not just your spouse). Each gift basket is unique to the person you're giving it to because it's filled with things that they would love but you also have the love languages to get you started. I love you can be as creative as you want with this basket and customize it to fit any budget.

Use Your Spouse’s Love Language to Pick Out the Perfect Gift

Your spouse’s love language doesn’t have to be receiving gifts in order for your spouse to enjoy receiving a present from you. The great thing about using someone's love language to pick out a gift is that it lets them know that you care about them and know who they really are.

Be More Intentional with Your Gift Giving

Over the course of our relationship, Joe and I have done a lot of gift giving. And I'd like to think that the gifts we give each other get more thoughtful with every occasion. Some gifts that I've given are better than others. But as we start to spend less money on individual gifts for each other every year. And splurge on something that we want or need as a couple with the rest of our Christmas budget. I've tried to be more intentional with my gift giving.

7 Ways to Gift Your Spouse with Date Night

No matter the occasion, I always love giving and receiving the gift of date night. I think date night is the perfect present because it’s a gift of quality time, connection and memories! As I figure out the perfect way to gift Joe with date night this Christmas, I thought I would share some of my ideas with all of you!

30 in my 30’s – A Bucket List Update

Last year I decided to head into my 30’s with some goals to complete in the next 10 years of my life! In celebration of my 31st birthday, I thought I’d put together an update on what I’ve done over the last year and what I’m currently working on completing. I added a few bonus "goals” based on things I accomplished over the last year. I can’t wait to see what the next year of life brings my way!

How I’m Teaching My Kids to Read

I’ve looked forward to introducing my kids to reading since long before I became a mom. I have an entire list of book series and characters that I can’t wait to share with them! I am excited to see them go on adventures while curled up with a blanket and a good book! I know that I want to instill a love of reading in my kids so we’ve been reading them books since the day they were born. They’ll bring me stacks of books and ask me to read “one more” over and over again. Now I’m starting to teach them to read on their own and I hope that love of books continues for the rest of their lives.

How a Change in Attitude can Improve Your Marriage

If I could give you three suggestions to change your attitude and outlook on life, they would be the ones listed below. I don’t think that you should use these to overlook really issues with your relationship or your mental health. And I will be honest, this doesn’t make life perfect, but these have definitely helped me to be more positive and move forward with a happier attitude when I’m faced with a challenge or struggling with my mental health.

8 Easy Ways to Flirt with Your Spouse

In the spirit of having more fun in your marriage, how long has it been since you flirted with your spouse? We tend to get caught up in discussing the important things in life, and some of the stressful things that life brings our way. I use to be the queen of flirting, and I loved flirting with Joe all day every day when we were dating, even if it was through text. I still flirt with my husband, just not as much as I used to and probably not as often as I should. I’ve started flirting with him more, and having more fun, and I feel like we’re more connected because of it. It’s not deep conversation or a date night, but it brings us back to the base of our relationship and reminds me why I fell in love with my husband in the first place.

3 Ways to get Your Spouse to Prioritize Your Marriage Too

I get messages on a regular basis, mostly from wives, asking me how they can get their spouse on board with making their marriage a priority too. If this describes you, the first thing I would say is that I’m sorry you don’t feel valued and seen in your relationship. I hope that with these tips, you are able to see things the way your spouse does and also help them see your side of the situation. I hope that the two of you are able to communicate and find a way to make your relationship a priority in a way that meets both of your expectations. And I hope that even if your spouse isn’t on board, you continue to do what you are doing to put your marriage and your spouse first because that alone will still make a difference in your marriage.

Why Your Marriage NEEDS Kid-Free Date Nights Outside Your Home

I’ve been talking to a lot of parents lately about date night and I’ve been surprised by how many of them have told me that date night just isn’t possible for them right now for a number of reasons. They don’t have room in their budget to hire a babysitter right now, their baby is too young to be left with someone, or they don’t trust anyone else to watch their kids. I realize that hiring a babysitter and going out for date night every single week isn’t a feasible option for every couple. And while I’m a big advocate for at home date nights when you aren’t able to get out, every couple should be finding a way to go out for date night without the kids regularly, no matter what!

The Best LDS Conference Talks about Marriage

I personally love all of the General Conference talks about marriage, for obvious reasons. Over the years, I’ve gathered and printed a lot of my favorite talks so I can study them, mark them up and apply their counsel to my own marriage. A few years ago, people started asking me what my favorites were, and every time I was asked, I’d send a list of links their way. I figured there might be more people out there who would love to know which talks on marriage I’ve loved from General Conference, so I put together this post as a helpful resource and one that I can direct people to in the future.

5 Traditions to Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby

Becoming parents changes a marriage, there's no doubt about that, but your new role doesn't make your marriage any less important. You've been partners in life since you decided to get married, and the birth of a child just extends that partnership to include parenting. It's important to keep your marriage strong, not only for the health of your relationship with each other, but to help you be a strong parenting team and provide a strong foundation for your growing family.