
5 Tips to Help You Get More Wear Out of Your Lingerie


Lingerie doesn’t have to be just for the bedroom! Look for opportunities to wear it on a more regular basis not only for your spouse, but for yourself. I wanted to share a few ways you can get more wear out of your lingerie purchase.

The biggest reason people don’t buy new lingerie is that they don’t feel like they’d get much use out of it. The joke is that ‘it’s only on for 15 seconds anyway!’ I’ve seen a few people’s eyes pop out of their heads when they find out how many pieces of lingerie I purchased in so short a time frame (almost 10 pieces in a year). And then they ask me if I wear it that often. I don’t… but I have goals (??) to wear it more. And I wanted to share a few ways you can get more wear out of your lingerie purchase. Lingerie doesn’t have to be just for the bedroom! Look for opportunities to wear it on a more regular basis not only for your spouse but for yourself.

Related: Why You Should Continue to Purchase Lingerie Throughout Every Stage of Your Marriage

more wear out of lingerie

Tips to Get More Wear Out of Your Lingerie

Tip: These could also be seen as reasons you need to buy more lacy things for your closet. If you’re looking for a reason to buy something on the Mentionables site.

Wear lingerie under your date night outfit

When you’re putting on your favorite outfit for a night out with your spouse, put on your favorite lingerie as well. It doesn’t matter if your spouse knows you’re wearing it the whole night or not. Having that something lacy on will help you feel more flirty and fun. And it will make your date night feel extra special. It will be a fun surprise for your husband when you get home from your date as well!

Related: 28 Ways to Increase the Intimacy in Your Marriage

Purchase new lingerie for an anniversary, birthday, gift, or special occasion

This is one of the most common reasons that people use to get something new and lacy. Lingerie makes a fun gift for you or your spouse! You can make a wish list on Mentionables and share that with your spouse. That way they will know which styles and colors are your favorite and what size you wear. I had fun buying a piece in my husband’s favorite color and surprising him with it for one of our special occasions.

Tip: If you know someone getting married soon, you might purchase a Mentionables gift card for them. Or suggest that they make a Mentionables wish list with their favorite pieces in the sizes that they would wear. You and other guests at their bridal shower or bachelorette party can gift them with something fun. And you’ll know that they’ll love and wear it often!

Related: 13 Ways to Keep the Romance Alive in Your Marriage

lingerie in marriage

Put something lacy on every night when you’re getting ready for bed

This tip comes from Jordan and Bubba Page of Fun Cheap or Free. It was shared during one of their live q&as about marriage. Jordan shared that when they were going to marriage counseling, one of the topics that they had been discussing was intimacy, increasing libido, and being more spontaneous. She talked about the expectation that comes when you put on something lacy at night rather than slipping into your comfiest pajamas. And the assumption that you’re not in the mood or up to the idea of intimacy if you immediately jump into your comfy pajamas.

One of the things she said their therapist suggested was that instead of changing into pajamas at the end of the day, to consider putting on something sexy every night for the time when they are getting ready for bed, reading, or whatever they do as part of their bedtime routine. Making that change doesn’t mean that you have to be intimate every single night. But it does change the atmosphere around bedtime and can increase the intimacy in your marriage if you let it. I thought it was an interesting idea and is something that I’ve thought about doing. Wearing something lacy every night for an extended amount of time definitely makes purchasing a variety of pieces worth it!

Related: How Having a Set Bedtime Routine Could Benefit Your Marriage

wedding lingerie

Wear only your lingerie for at-home date nights

We have date nights at home more often than we go out. I love the idea of closing all of the blinds and slipping into something lacy. It adds a little excitement to your planned date night activity. If you have kids at home who would potentially get out of bed and stumble on your at-home date night. You might need to rethink this suggestion or plan accordingly.

Bring a few pieces on an overnight date, romantic getaway, or couples-only vacation

Overnight getaways are something that we have chosen to make a priority in our marriage, even after we had kids. Whenever we get away, we go to a B&B or a hotel or inn that caters to couples looking to get away and reconnect. Those hotels often provide robes for you to wear during your stay. I take full advantage of that comfortable amenity. The next time we get away together, I plan on bringing some of my favorite pieces and slipping into them during our stay instead of spending my weekend in the provided robe.

Related: Why Overnight Dates are a Priority in Our Marriage


Whether you’re planning to purchase new pieces of lingerie for your marriage or just looking to get more use out of the ones that you already own, I hope these tips are helpful. So many couples tuck their lingerie away as they get further into marriage, thinking that they don’t need it anymore. And while you might not need lingerie in your relationship, it’s a fun addition that can help you keep the spark alive.