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A Prioritized Marriage contains affiliate links. This means that I make a small commission off of purchases made through links at no extra cost to you. Links are provided for your convenience.
During the first couple of years of our marriage, our obstacle was always what movies we should watch for date night. I prefer romantic comedies and Joe prefers action or the type of comedy that you find in Adam Sandler movies. Now, rather than suffering through each other’s movie choices, we’ve found movies that we both can enjoy watching together. If you’re one of those couples who sometimes struggle to find something that you’ll both have fun watching, I hope you’ll find something on this list that you both like!
Related: 5 Tips to Connect More on Your Next Movie Date
For more date night ideas like these ones, check out the book, Prioritizing Date Night in Your Marriage, with 300+ date night ideas.

Click here to view all of our movie date night favorites, including more that aren’t included on this list.
45+ Movies that You’ll Enjoy Watching for Date Night
Red 1 & 2
These two movies are probably our absolute favorites to watch. I don’t remember how we discovered the first movie. But it was an instant hit with us! These movies don’t get enough credit, and they are PERFECT for date night! Both of them have a good combination of comedy, action, and romance. The second movie has all sorts of inside jokes that refer to the first movie. I honestly couldn’t pick a favorite out of the two of them.
Marvel Comics
These movies are a bit more action than I know some people prefer, but I really love them. The Ironman trilogy is probably my favorite out of all of the movies. Since the whole Marvel Universe was completed, I’ve been searching and searching for boxed sets with all of the movies. There are a lot of options out there that include portions of the universe, but not all. I was able to find region-free boxed sets that are now on our wish list.
- Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe Phase One
- Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe Phase Two
- Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe Phase Three, Part One
- Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe Phase Three, Part Two
Tip: Check out this list for a great order to watch the Marvel movies in.
The Princess Bride
You can’t get any more classic than this movie. Great lines to quote, humor, action, and romance. Perfect for date night!
This movie is one of my favorites. It’s a unique story and a good sci-fi movie with some romance.
Harry Potter Series
When Joe and I first started hanging out, he had never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. (He’s also to this day only read a couple of the books. So we probably need to go on some long road trips and listen to the audio books.) In the first month of our relationship, we watched all of the Harry Potter movies. (Was the last one out in 2010? Maybe we watched that in theaters later? I can’t remember…) A couple of years later, I bought him the boxed set for Christmas.
It is my goal to create a tradition surrounding the anniversary of when we started dating. I want to have a month-long marathon and watch them all again. Each year I have the best intentions to start this tradition. Maybe this will be the year that it actually happens.
I have never seen the original Jumanji. But when the modern-day version came out, we rented it to watch for date night. We could not stop laughing through the entire movie, and it quickly became a favorite. When Jumanji: Next Level hit theaters, we went to see it and loved it too. There’s a good mix of comedy, drama, action, and a little romance in both movies. They’re perfect for date night. You can grab both movies in a set, here.

This movie is a classic one! Is there anyone out there who hasn’t referenced the 90/10 at some point in their life? When Joe kissed me for the first time, I kept thinking that he may be trying that trick, but he says that he was just teasing me. Favorite part of this movie? The inhaler throw down!
50 First Dates
Ok, so this one is more of a chick flick. But it has Adam Sandler and a lot of quirky humor. We haven’t watched it a lot, but it’s a good one.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
This is a movie that Joe isn’t necessarily a fan of. But I’ve had multiple guys tell me that it’s one of the only chick flicks that they will watch. Maybe your husband will like it!
The Proposal
This is another movie that Joe isn’t a fan of but that multiple guys have told me they really enjoy. I personally think Joe predetermined that because it was a “chick flick”, he wasn’t going to like it… It’s been around long enough, that I think we can refer to it as a classic chick flick!
Date Night
I’m sure this movie will be even more funny as our family grows. And date night becomes a bigger deal, when it gets harder to find alone time as a couple. Tina Fey and Steve Carell are hilarious as always and we laugh through the entire movie! I also like that the premise is based on a couple realizing that their marriage is stagnant. So they decide to do something out of the ordinary to make it better. I’m all about prioritizing date night and prioritizing your marriage!
Mr & Mrs. Smith
This movie would be fun accompanied by a romantic dinner and a nerf gun or water gun fight. It’s not the most healthy marriage relationship example, but they have a lot of underlying reasons.
Instant Family
We watched this movie after hearing a lot of great reviews. It is a really heartwarming movie with some humor mixed in. I think this would be a show that couples with kids would especially enjoy. But really, it’s a good movie for anyone.
The Upside
I went to see this movie for girl’s night while it was in theaters. It was so good that I was recommending it to everyone I talked to for months. Not only is it funny, but it’s inspiring and thought-provoking as well.

TV Shows to Binge in Your Marriage
I know these aren’t movies per say. But these are shows that we’ve enjoyed watching together throughout our marriage. It would be fun to watch an episode or two every night and discuss them afterward.
The Office
Hilarious, sometimes cringe-worthy, relatable, and a show you’ll quote often. We’ve watched this series all the way through, too many times to count. We’re currently listening to The Office Ladies podcast, one episode at a time. After we listen to an episode, we watch that episode and watch for the things they mentioned.
This is the TV show we watched every night when we were first married. Joe introduced me to it and I immediately fell in love with it. It’s such a funny, sometimes suspenseful and really entertaining to watch. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love this show!
Parks and Rec
This is the show that we’ve been binge-watching again most recently. It’s hilarious and relatable and you can’t help but fall in love with even the most terrible characters. They recently put together a mini-reunion episode that we really enjoyed as well!

More Movie Date Night ideas
If you’re looking for even more date night movies, you need to check out this Year of Movie Date Nights Kit from The Dating Divas. The kit includes romantic and funny activities, sexy ideas, a few treats and a big list of movie titles to help make movie-picking easier. Each of the dates are based on a specific genre, so you’ll see a variety of films to fit both of your tastes. You can use this kit over and over again each year, watching a different movie each time. We’re excited to incorporate this kit into our date night routine!
We have all of our favorite date night movies linked here and will continue to add to this list as we find more, or others are suggested to us.
What movies do you enjoy watching as a couple that aren’t on this list? I’d love to hear your favorites, even if they’re one of the types of movies that I said Joe and I can’t watch together!
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