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For the last two years, my husband and at least one of our kids has gotten a severe cold and/or the flu. Despite our best efforts to keep our home germ free and everyone healthy. My husband seems to get hit the hardest each year and the poor guy was even sick on his birthday. Each time he’d get sick, he’d live on the couch downstairs. This was so we could quarantine him from the kids and they could continue to live as normally as possible while avoiding his germs. Even though I ban him to the couch, I still find ways to support my sick spouse.

Six Ways to Serve Your Sick Spouse
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., Kleenex, Lipton, and Theraflu. All opinions are mine alone. #FluSeasonHacks #CollectiveBias
Help keep your sick spouse comfortable
When Joe has gotten sick, he’s been quarantined to the couch downstairs. That first year when he had the flu for three days, our preemie was only a few months old. And I also had a busy 18-month-old running around as well. I felt bad that Joe couldn’t rest in his own bed. But Joe and I knew that we needed to keep the germs contained. And away from the spaces where the kids and I slept and ate. The quarantine was to avoid having the illness spread to other members of the family.
When Joe is sick, I make the couch and downstairs space as comfortable as possible. I cover it in soft blankets, bring his pillows down from our room, and make the room dark. And I make sure he has anything he would need within arms reach. He gets the remote to binge watch his favorite shows. And a water bottle to keep him hydrated and some dry cereal to snack on when he feels like eating. Being sick is never fun or really comfortable. But you can do a few things to make your spouse more comfortable. This ensures that they are able to rest and recover.

Run a humidifier near your sick spouse
One simple thing you can do is to run a humidifier. We have purchased a humidifier for each person in our family. We did this so there can be one in each bedroom whenever someone is sick. Running that humidifier not only keeps the person who isn’t feeling well more comfortable. It also helps to treat any symptoms that other family members might start to exhibit.
Tip: We have a humidifier running in the main area of our home almost all winter. We relocate them as needed if an illness hits.

Stock up on Supplies
What might have been the hardest part of the flu hitting our house these past two seasons, was having to run out to the store in the brief moment when everyone was sleeping, to stock up on the things that would get us through. All of those things that you’re sure you have on hand until you realize that you don’t. This year I’m hoping to avoid any sickness, but I’ll be prepared in case we aren’t so lucky. One trip to our local Kroger store helped me get everything that we need. And to make sure our family is ready for the cold or flu if they hit us this year.

What supplies do I need for cold and flu season?
I went on a cold and flu season specific shopping trip recently after Bensen came down with strep. I realized how much less stressful having sick family members can be when I am prepared.
Distilled water
First I purchased a bunch of distilled water for filling our humidifiers. We have hard water and go through a few gallons a day when we are running them in our home.
I grabbed a 4-pack of Kleenex® Ultra Soft Tissues. I know that when a cold or the flu hits our house, we are wiping noses constantly. And I want something that will provide gentle care and relief to the ones that I love. Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues have the ultimate softness and dependable strength.
Lipton Herbal Tea
I was excited to find Lipton Soothe Your Tummy. This is an herbal infusion for those times your tummy feels less than its best.* The Lipton Wellness range, made with carefully selected botanicals and blended with essential oils, helps make well-being a part of your everyday routine.
Theraflu Power Pods help treat symptoms of the cold and flu. Those were another thing that I added to my cart. Pods can be purchased in Daytime Severe Cold and Nighttime Severe Cold. Power Pods temporarily relieve symptoms such as minor aches and pains, headache, nasal and sinus congestion. They also temporarily relieve cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation, minor sore throat pain. They also temporarily reduce fever.
Cereal or crackers
Whenever I’m sick, I like to have dry cereal or salted crackers to nibble on. This helps get some food in my body without making me feel worse. You’ll find a couple boxes of both in our food storage for those moments as well as regular consumption.
Finally, I grab a pack of drinks that help replenish electrolytes for when the sick individual is on the mend. This helps them get their energy back to attend to their normal everyday activities.

Be extra patient with your sick spouse
Being sick is never fun. And as much as we try to have a positive attitude about it, sometimes the whining and complaining comes out. When my husband is under the weather, I try my hardest to be patient and empathetic to how he feels. Being annoyed or complaining about my husband’s complaints can make him feel like a burden. Instead, I want him to feel loved and cared for in his time of need. Patience is one of the best ways that I can serve my spouse when he is sick.
Sanitize the house
Sanitizing surfaces and rooms in the house serve the family members who aren’t already sick. But I also feel like it’s a great way to serve your spouse. When I thought back on the last two times that Joe was sick, I remembered that he cleaned, wiped down and sanitized the areas where he’d been after he got feeling better. If he gets sick again this year, I want to make an effort to take on that task before he gets a chance. Cleaning the basement bathroom, washing blankets and his pillowcase, wiping down the table and other surfaces he touched or set things on. Spraying the couch with sanitizing spray, and sterilizing his toothbrush, chapstick and water bottle. These are all things that I can do for my husband when he starts to feel better after having a cold or flu.

Plan for favorite food and activities when your spouse feels better
Joe got sick the day before his 30th birthday last year. And although my husban only had a 24-hour bug, he still wasn’t feeling his best on his birthday. All of the fun plans we’d made and food we’d planned to eat didn’t happen. So I made sure that they got rescheduled for a few days later. We’ve missed out on fun date night activities we’ve had planned we or the kids are sick.
While your spouse is sick, you can make a point to sit with them and rub their feet. Or just be with them and watch a movie or show that you know they’d really enjoy. After they’re feeling better, make one of their favorite meals. Or plan a special date night to get out of the house and have fun together. Try to reschedule or plan a similar activities to the ones you missed.

Keep your family healthy this season
I’m crossing my fingers that everyone in our family and yours stay healthy during this cold and flu season. If someone in my house catches a bug, I’ll be ready to serve them and give them my full attention. This eliminates the added stress of having to find time to get to the store. Make a quick trip to your local Kroger today and stock up on everything you need to feel relief. If your family catches a cold or the flu this season, you will be prepared. And maybe grab a flu shot to protect yourselves even more while you are there.
Kleenex – ©KCWW, Lipton – © 2018 Unilever Theraflu – ©2018 the GSK group of companies or its licensor. Read and follow label directions. Theraflu is for use in adults 12 years and older. Use products only as directed.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent disease.