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A Prioritized Marriage contains affiliate links. This means that I make a small commission off of purchases made through links at no extra cost to you. Links are provided for your convenience.
You lovely readers had some great advice that I wanted to share with everyone. These were seriously great ideas, and I’m excited that you all participated, it was awesome!
I asked you to tell me one thing you think is important to do that strengthens your marriage or relationship. You answered:
Amanda from Life Since You said, “I think the best piece of marriage advice I have received was don’t fight when you’re tired. People always say, “Never go to bed angry.” But I think that’s ridiculous. If you’re tired, emotional, and irritated, you are never going to make progress with your argument. Go to bed, get some rest, and revisit it in the morning with a fresh mind. It has always helped us.”
Courtney from From Here to Eternity said, “Eric and I have been trying to find new ways to better our marriage. Of course, it’s different for every relationship… but I’m finding that holding regular conversations together, about your marriage and what you can do to better it, helps so much! Sometimes we hold it in, instead of communicating what we need from each other, and it helps each other understand so much better when you regularly communicate about each others’ needs!”
Shane said, “Communication is key!”
Grace from Confessions of a Gemini said, “Always give 110% to your partner and your relationship. You have to always put your marriage first no matter what. It is easy to become comfortable in your marriage and/or just busy with life and forget this.”
Patty from Tales of Me and the Husband said, “My hubs and I are coming up on our first year of marriage…the one thing by far is praying together! Helps us put the focus where it belongs and stay centered…the family that prays together, stays together :)”
Sarah said, “COMMUNICATE!”
Ashley from Mrs. Mama said, “I have found in my marriage what is important is to recognize the little things. We both do things for each other every day and they need to be recognized and appreciated.”
Amanda from We & Serendipity said, “I’m going to have to say going out to dinner…. we always bond most when we’re on date night!!!”
Libby from Libby’s Life said, “Having good communication with him because to me that is the most important thing behind honesty!”
Callie from Through Clouded Glass said, “I think one of the things that strengthens my relationship with my husband is when we pray together!”
Kelsey from Stories of Kel said, “I think taking at least one day a week to get out of the house and spend time just the two of you is so important!”
Amanda from Mama & Co. said, “One thing I think that is important is to have a date night, whether it be once a week or once a month to just rekindle with your love!”
Kendra said, “I think one of the best things you can do is to both be involved in your finances and be willing to better yourselves.”
Thanks again to all of you for participating and giving such great advice! You have really inspired me to be better in my marriage and make some changes for good there as well! You are all awesome!
What things do you do to strengthen your relationships?