
Love Is…


Rather than being grumpy about the things my husband doesn't do for me that I sometimes wish he would, I decided to pay attention to the things that he was doing for me. Over the last few months, I've made a mental note of those things, and a few of my own, and here they are!

A month ago, I wrote about how even though Joe and I have our dominant love languages, there are things that we appreciate from each of the five love languages. And although my husband might not bring me flowers or leave my sappy love notes like some other husbands that I see all over Instagram and Facebook, he loves me in his own little ways. Rather than being grumpy about the things my husband doesn’t do for me that I sometimes wish he would, I decided to pay attention to the things that he was doing for me. Over the last few months, I’ve made a mental note of those things, and a few of my own, and here they are!

Around our house the past few months, love looked little something like this:

  • The husband went two different places to pick up dinner the night before our move because I was hungry, tired and grumpy and wanted one specific thing and nothing there sounded good to him. He HATES stopping at more than one place.

  • Sometimes I decide to be nice and scratch Joe’s back for longer than half a second when I just don’t love it.

  • Joe bringing home a bag of my favorite chocolate when he knows that I am stressed out and overwhelmed.

  • The puppy and I getting up together and hanging out while I get ready for work so Joe can sleep.

  • Making Joe a not super healthy casserole that I can’t eat because I’m on a healthier diet. A good dinner, and lots of leftovers for him, he was excited.

  • Washing, rinsing, drying and putting the dishes away together because we don’t have a dishwasher anymore.

  • Getting texts or phone calls from the husband telling me all about his new ideas for budgeting our money and giving us the motivation to save, save, save for a house.

  • Joe offering me a Snickers any time he realizes that I’m getting “hangry”.