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A Prioritized Marriage contains affiliate links. This means that I make a small commission off of purchases made through links at no extra cost to you. Links are provided for your convenience.
Yesterday, I shared a secret to increasing intimacy in your marriage. Intimacy as in the close like, know and trust in your spouse. Because intimacy is so much more than the physical that everyone thinks about when they hear the word.
I was listening to the One Extraordinary Marriage podcast a while back. Tony and Alisa were talking about the different types of intimacy in marriage; emotional, intellectual, spiritual, experiential, financial, and physical.
I hadn’t thought about how each of these areas contributes to the strength of your relationship and the overall intimacy (like, know and trust) in your marriage. How do you create intimacy in your marriage in each of areas? Don’t worry, I have some ideas for you below!
Related: 11 Ways to Pull Your Marriage Out of an Intimacy Rut
TIP: If you’re looking for a specific way to improve the physical intimacy in your marriage, I highly suggest this book, The 7 Days of Sex Challenge, from One Extraordinary Marriage. They have an intimacy lifestyle message that has made a big difference for a lot of couples!

How to Increase Intimacy in Marriage
Related: The One Thing You Need to Know to Increase the Intimacy in Your Marriage
Increase Emotional Intimacy
Emotional intimacy is created when you share your feelings, thoughts, desires, and dreams with each other.
Sit down and draw out your dream home together
Sit down and draw out your dream home together. Talk about all of your “must haves”, what you want your master suite to look like and where you’re hoping to live. Make sure you share the why behind your dream home features. Draw all of your features together and save your dream home “blueprint” somewhere. Then you can pull it out and refer to it when you get to that point in your life.
Sit and talk for a while
Pick up one of these great conversation starters for couples. Asking each other one question a night will help you connect and discuss things on a deeper level than you might have normally. Using these resources means that you won’t have to think about what you want to ask each other or talk about, and you can focus on connecting.
Find a way to connect each week
Connect, beyond date night! Find something fun you can do together. You might go for a walk together, grab your favorite drink and talk in your car, play a game, or watch a new episode of your favorite show and talk about it afterward. I love this 52 Weeks of “I Love You” card deck that provides you with a fun way to connect every single week. These are simple things you can do amidst the chaos of life! Use code APM10 for 10% off your 52 Weeks card deck or anything else in the Inspiring Intimacy shop.
Meet weekly to talk and coordinate
Start a tradition of weekly family/couple meetings. Use that time to not only coordinate your plans for the week but talk about the things that you’ve been thinking about lately. Don’t hold back! You can’t increase your emotional intimacy without being vulnerable with each other. You might also consider these tips for having a “state of our marriage” meeting, which is a similar concept.
Related: Things to Discuss During Your Weekly Marriage Meetings
Create and build your love maps
Use the app, Gottman Card Decks, from The Gottman Institute. This app has suggestions and questions for discussing sex, expressing needs to your spouse, learning to listen, letting your spouse know they are appreciated, creating love maps, and more. Love maps are Gottman’s term for getting to know your spouse’s world and continuing to get to know them as they grow and change throughout life.
Related: Eight Easy Ways to Flirt with Your Spouse

Increase Intellectual Intimacy
Intellectual intimacy is created by learning together. This learning usually relates to an important issue, topic, or interest in your marriage.
Learn something together
Learn something together! Take a community class, take continuing education at a local college, or pick up a book from the bookstore about a topic that you’re both interested in.
Find a new mutual hobby
Research a mutual hobby that you have. If you like to grill like we do in our marriage, watch YouTube videos, research rubs, and sauces, create a new recipe, etc. Maybe you’re planting a garden for the first time this year; find out everything that you can about the things that you are growing and successful gardening in general.
Related: 10+ Hobbies for Married Couples to Enjoy Together
Start a book club for your marriage
Read a book together, fiction or non-fiction. Take turns reading a chapter together every night and talk about it after you’re finished. I know a few couples who get two copies of the same book. They read it separately and then sit down and discuss the book at the end. It’s kind of like a mini book club! You might even have the person who picked the book come up with questions to talk about together.
Related: Starting a Book Club in Your Marriage
Take a class to improve your marriage
Take a class on a topic that the two of you are struggling with or can’t seem to get on the same page about. This might be a budgeting or finance class, a parenting class for toddlers or teenagers, or a health issue that someone in your family is facing. Learn everything you can and work together to support each other in the different areas of your lives.
Related: Six Apps Every Couple Should Have on Their Phone

Increase Spiritual Intimacy
Spiritual intimacy is built around your shared religious beliefs and the way you choose to practice your religion together.
Work through a couple’s devotional
Find a couple’s devotional to go through together. Read your devotional together each morning, or before you go to bed at night. Really take the time to discuss your thoughts and what you’ve learned. One popular couple’s devotional out there is The Love Dare. But I know there are others you can find just by searching online or asking other couples in your religious community.
Study your religious text
Study the scriptures together. Work your way through them chapter by chapter, study scriptures on specific topics, or study based on different stories. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t quite understand a concept. And be open to learning from each other and hearing what the other spouse has to say. Everyone receives different impressions and absorbs different things from what we read, even at different times in our lives. We can learn a lot by taking notes and sharing our insights with each other.
You can pray together. And you should be praying for each other.
Go to church
Attend church services together weekly and discuss the things you learned over lunch afterward.
Talk about religion
Discuss how you plan to incorporate your religion into your home and family as it grows. How will you encourage your children to grow a testimony of their own and explore their own spiritual beliefs?
Attend other faith worship services
Attend worship services for other faiths. Go with the idea that you will participate fully in their services. And have an open mind to the things they have to share. Maybe do a little research about the faith before attending, so you have a basic knowledge going in and can ask questions to learn deeper while you are there. Look for the ways that your two religions are the same. And be curious and kind, not defensive or judgmental about why their religion believes the way that they do. Go with a goal to learn, understand and accept.
Related: How Having a Set Bedtime Could Benefit Your Marriage

Increase Experiential Intimacy
Experiential intimacy is created by actively enjoying life together and participating in various activities.
Be active
Find something active that you like to do together. Maybe you like to go to the gym together, go on hikes every weekend, go on a family bike ride or buy roller blades and hold hands while you skate around the neighborhood. You might participate in a sport like soccer, swimming or softball and join a team together. Or join separate teams and watch each other play. Maybe you simply take walks together every night as the sun is setting.
Add culture to your dates
Add some culture to your date nights. Go to the opera, a play, see a musical, attend a concert, or visit a local museum. Become season ticket holders or members at one of the venues. This could be a great gift that you purchase for yourselves each year for Christmas, to enhance your relationship and your lives in the coming year.
Plan active date nights
Every other date night, do something a little more active than dinner and a movie or different than your regular date night activities. Go on a hike, go bowling, play mini golf, go skiing, etc.
Make a meal together
Share the kitchen and make a meal together on a regular basis. You might choose to work together on all aspects of the meal. Or assign each spouse to different tasks (main dish, sides, dessert) so you’re not stepping on toes. You could also buy various cookbooks online and work your way through them together. Learning to make new dishes or mastering a specific way of cooking (grilling, smoking, baking, slow cooker, pressure cooker, etc.)
Related: 13 Ways to Keep the Romance Alive in Your Marriage

Increase Financial Intimacy
Financial intimacy is created by making a plan for your money and being willing to communicate in the process.
Create a budget
Talk about your finances! Create a budget monthly, set financial goals, and consider combining your bank accounts. Have a budget meeting each week while you get the hang of things. Then pull back and have your meetings every payday.
Talk about money
Have these four financial discussions before you get married (or after if you are already married). Make sure you are not one of the 45% of couples surveyed who have no idea how much money their spouse makes.
Pay off debt
Discuss how you will tackle debt together if you have any. Viewing your debt as a team will make you more successful when trying to pay it off. Find some sort of chart you can use to track your progress. Then set rewards for different milestones along the way.
Talk about your financial future
Talk about your family’s financial future and make a plan. This post talks about five things that we’ve talked about and are preparing for in the future. If your finances are based on the goals that you have, you will be more likely to manage them well.
Take a finance course
Take a finance course together to help you get on the same page financially. The way you talk about money in marriage is a lot about what you value and your goals. But it’s also emotional and can become a stressful topic. I love the Family Finance Rescue course from Pennies into Pearls. I have personally taken that course with my husband. It has helped to get us to get back on the same page and work toward our financial goals again.
Related: Why You Need to be a Team with Your Finances, ALWAYS

Increase Physical Intimacy
Physical intimacy is created through meaningful and loving physical touch.
Share a 10-second kiss
Make your goodbye, hello and good night kisses last ten seconds every day. Kiss each other like you mean it, and like you did when you were dating.
Hold hands
Grab your spouse’s hand while you watch TV, when you’re out on a date, in the car, on your walks, and as you fall asleep at night.
Hug each other
Give each other a long hug every day, for no other reason than just to hug. Simply hold your spouse. Don’t talk, don’t be anxious to let go, just enjoy being held by each other.
Be affectionate always
Show affection in front of your children, this study says that it’s good for their health.
Related: Why Your Kids Need You to Prioritize Your Marriage
Share meaningful touch
Reach out and touch your spouse’s arm or give them a little squeeze as you walk past each other throughout the day.
Play a fun game together
There are a lot of great games out there created with the goal of helping couples connect in new ways physically. I personally love The Game of Love, 12 Days of Flirty Foreplay, and Inspiring Intimacy. They’ll help you explore your physical connection and step away from your normal routine. You can use code APM10 to get 10% off anything in the Inspiring Intimacy shop.
Related: Why Your Spouse Needs at Least 8 Meaningful Touches a Day

When you think about intimacy in your marriage, remember that there’s more to it than what happens in the bedroom. The definition of intimacy has a lot more depth to it than what the media and the rest of the world might tell us there is. Increasing your intimacy in each of the six areas listed above will help to create a better, stronger, and more intimate marriage.
What other things do you and your spouse do to increase intimacy in these six areas?