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In the spirit of having more fun in your marriage, how long has it been since you made an effort to flirt with your spouse? We tend to get caught up in discussing the important things in life, and some of the stressful things that life brings our way. I used to be the queen of flirting, and I loved flirting with Joe all day every day when we were dating, even if it was through text.
I still flirt with my husband, just not as much as I used to and probably not as often as I should. I’ve started flirting with him more, and having more fun, and I feel like we’re more connected because of it. It’s not a deep conversation or a date night. But it brings us back to the core of our relationship. And it reminds me why I fell in love with my husband in the first place.

8 Ways to Flirt with Your Spouse
Send suggestive emojis
Whether you send an obviously suggestive emoji or something that’s an inside joke, do it regularly! You might send a flirty message using only emojis and see how long it takes your spouse to figure it out. Emojis are fun and there are a lot of them to work with and it’s a unique way to flirt. The best part is, if somebody catches a glimpse of your message, they won’t be completely clued into that secret message you sent for your spouse’s eyes only.
Tell them you like them in those clothes
I’m willing to bet that we all have those clothes that we think our spouse looks extra good in. When your spouse wears your favorite outfit, that tight pair of jeans, or a color that brings out their eyes, let them know! Tell them how attracted you are to them. Everyone deserves to be told they are attractive. And you are the perfect person to make your spouse feel extra sexy!

Check them out
You’re allowed to look your spouse up and down or enjoy the view as they walk toward/away from you! Make sure they see you checking them out! Because it’s not flirting with them if they don’t know you’re doing it. A little whistle or a “lookin’ good” goes with this form of flirting perfectly.
Send texts throughout the day
I remember when I was dating my husband, we would text each other all day long. I honestly can’t remember what we talked about throughout the day. But I do know there was a lot of flirting! Read through the text thread the two of you share. How many of your messages are fun and flirty and how many are about the more serious parts of your relationship? Up that flirt text ratio with a “what are you wearing?” or “my lips miss yours” text every once in a while! And don’t forget the emoji suggestion I mentioned earlier.

Leave love notes
This is such a simple way to let your spouse know you love them and flirt while you’re apart. Throw a note in their lunchbox, leave it next to their toothbrush, and hide it on their pillow or anywhere in your home or car that you know they’ll find it. I’ve also known some couples who e-mail little notes to each other throughout the day. What a fun surprise to find in your inbox!
Ask them on a date
When was the last time you asked your spouse out? There’s something thrilling about being asked out on a date. Even if it’s by someone you go on a date with every week! Send a text, give them a phone call in the middle of the day or ask them out in person. You’ll both have something to look forward to. And it will feel a little bit like you’re back in the dating stage of your relationship.

Surprise them with a kiss
Have you snuck a kiss from your spouse recently? Most couples have the hello and goodbye kisses down and maybe one to say goodnight. But why not sneak a few extra throughout the day? Do like you did when you were dating and kiss each other passionately and often!
With a wink and a smile
And the simplest way to flirt with the one you love most in this world, wink, and smile! From across the room, ask you walk past each other when you’re walking in the door or to share an inside joke. It’s so simple, anyone can do it.

You’ve got your ideas, now go flirt with your spouse! Get back to the romance, the fun, and the flirty side of your relationship. You’ll be surprised by the way it affects other areas of your marriage and how much more smoothly things go.