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A Prioritized Marriage contains affiliate links. This means that I make a small commission off of purchases made through links at no extra cost to you. Links are provided for your convenience.
As I approached my 30’s, I decided to create a bucket list of 30 things I wanted to accomplish in this decade of my life. Today I turn 35 and I’ve spent the last week reviewing that list. It’s been fun to see what I’ve accomplished. I found renewed motivation for some goals I forgot I set. And I saw things that I thought I wanted five years ago, that no longer fit my plans for myself. This post is an update for you and a check-in for myself. It’s been a year where I’ve accomplished a lot, but not necessarily things that I had on my list. So this post is going to act as a bit of a tool for myself, to reevaluate where I am and where I want to be when I turn 40. I’m excited to work towards some of these new goals, along with the ones I originally set, and see where this next year takes me!

Goals I completed in my 34th year
Got my Master’s Degree
This is perhaps the biggest goal from my 30 in my 30’s bucket list and one that I’ve been most proud to accomplish! In December I successfully defended my dissertation and graduated with my Master’s of Education with a Family Life Education emphasis. Click here to find out more about that final project, paper, and presentation.
Started a Podcast
I had thought about starting a podcast heading into my 30s, but it wasn’t something I put on my bucket list as an official goal. In the last five years, it’s become a bigger goal and something I really wanted to accomplish. It took longer than I wanted, but I did it, and I’m really excited about it! Click here to listen to the Prioritize Your Marriage podcast.
Even though I only have two things on my done list, and one of them wasn’t a goal I originally set when I turned 30, I’m really proud of where I’ve been and what I’ve accomplished this past year.

Things to Accomplish in My 35th Year of Life
Introduce the kids to Harry Potter
I’ve been waiting and waiting to do this, and I think it’s the year! I have these gorgeous, bound, illustrated versions of the book and I want to break them out and read them and introduce the kids to the magical world of Harry Potter.
Become season ticket holders again
There is a community theater we were season ticket holders at in our dating and early marriage life. When we started having kids and I was in school, it got harder and harder to make it to our regularly scheduled shows, so we didn’t renew our tickets. This year I realized how affordable the tickets can be, and I’m determined it’s our year to become season ticket holders again.
Plan and host regular educational date night events for couples
When I set this goal, my idea was that I’d start hosting in person date nights. And while that’s still something that I would love to do, this year I want to hit this goal in a different way. I am planning to start hosting virtual date nights for couples on a quarterly or bi-monthly basis.
Make our current house more of a home
Our house is currently a hot mess, with all of the in progress projects, and the displacement of everything in the basement. As we get the basement and other projects completed, I’m determined to make our house a space that brings us all peace and where we each have a space of our own to go.
Sing through the hymn book
This should be the easiest goal on my list, but it’s the one I start and never finish. This year is the year!
Learn more quick styles and updos for my own hair
I struggle with coordination, especially when doing my own hair and using a mirror. I most often wear my hair down, or tossed up in a messy bun. This year I want to do more with it when I put it up, and even when I style it down. Putting my cosmetology license to good use with this one.

Check out my previous year’s updates!
- 2018 – The Original: 30 in my 30’s Bucket List
- 2019 – The First Year Update
- 2020 – Year 31 Update
- 2021 – No Update Written
- 2022 – Almost Halfway There